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Bed Wetting Can be Stopped With High Fiber Diet

Shield Bedwetting Alarm / Bedwetting Children  / Bed Wetting Can be Stopped With High Fiber Diet
bedwetting high fiber diet

Bed Wetting Can be Stopped With High Fiber Diet

Bed wetting is the unintentional passage of urine during sleep whether in the clothing during the day or in bed at night. Bed wetting is not only inconvenient for your child it is stressful and lowers their self-esteem too. Some children due to stressful events such as becoming a big brother or sister or when they start a new school, or away from home — may trigger bed wetting. To deal with bed wetting conditions, a healthy diet can go a long way in the path towards improvement. High fiber diet is important. Eating high fiber foods is the best way to improve the bed wetting problems which normally occurs at the same time as constipation. Yes, skipping out on a daily dose of fiber often leads to constipation and bedwetting. Foods that are high in fiber, vitamin B-12 and Omega 3 are all recommended to help control or reduce bedwetting. Recommended food includes:

  • Vegetables, legumes and beans
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Whole grain cereals and Whole-grain breads
  • Fresh fish and seafood

The recommended daily fiber intake for your child should be 25 to 30 grams a day. Navy and white beans are the most fiber-rich, but all beans are fiber-packed such as garbanzo, kidney, lima, or pinto beans. They help flush out harmful toxins from the body and are good to stop or control bed wetting.

For your child’s breakfast incorporate oatmeal either on its own or add some fruit to encourage your child to eat it. Any cereal with 5 or more grams of fiber per serving is a good source as oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber, while fruits like apples contain 4.4 grams and walnuts 2 grams of fiber.

For lunch pack whole-wheat bread sandwich instead of white bread for a fulfilling meal. Seven-grain, dark rye, cracked wheat, and pumpernickel breads are good choices. Fiber per slice is 4-5 grams. Adding vegetables to the meal can help increase your fiber intake. In between meals an ounce of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, or almonds gives you at least 3 grams of fiber although they are also high in calories. Three cups of air-popped popcorn have about 4 grams of fiber.

After a fulfilling breakfast and lunch, a light dinner can even be loaded with fiber. Stir-fry or mixture of brussels sprouts, broccoli and artichoke over a chicken breast is easily 19 grams of fiber.

Including fiber rich food into your child’s diet can help your child to have regular bowel movements that help reduce or stop bed wetting. you can increase your child’s fiber in-take if needed it is good to consult your child’s pediatrician.

Following to a bed wetting friendly fiber diet is a win-win situation for parents and children alike. All of the foods recommended to improve bed wetting are also healthy life choices, the whole family can eat the same foods. This can help your child eat a well-balanced diet that includes delicious high-fiber foods and feel more accepted in the family.

1 Comment
  • SelenaSmall
    December 12, 2017

    Interesting read. I knew that constipation can cause bed wetting, but it never struck me that a high fiber diet could alleviate the problem (at least partially).