See why Shield is the Best Bedwetting Alarm. Read the Shield Bedwetting Alarm reviews and decide why parents love Shield.
Shield is the best bedwetting alarm for children, teens and deep sleepers. Shield alarms use microprocessor controlled alarm units which alert bedwetters immediately on detecting urine. The innovative strong hold sensor has a large urine detection area and will not poke children at night. Designed with user comfort and treatment in mind, the Shield alarms are second to none. The alarm comes with three programmable modes – sound+vibration, sound only and vibration only. Compact Shield alarms are portable and discreet making them ideal for camps, sleep overs and family vacations. The alarms are compatible with Comfy Armband so bed wetting boys and girls can enhance comfort at night.
Tracking nighttime progress is super easy with the Shield Alarm. The included star and moon chart will help you keep track of your progress so you always know how the alarm is working. Many bedwetting alarm reviews are praise for Shield’s effectiveness, design and customer support. No wonder Shield alarms are a favorite and the best bedwetting alarm.
Shield Bedwetting Alarms are available as Single tone Shield Prime Alarm and 8-tone Shield Max Alarm.