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Bedwetting and Bladder Facts

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Bedwetting and Bladder Facts - Shield Bedwetting Alarm

Bedwetting and Bladder Facts

Last Updated on February 17, 2023 by Shield Bedwetting Alarm

Bedwetting is about the brain and the bladder not connecting. Your bladder is a muscular sac-like organ that sits in the pelvic cavity. It receives urine from the kidneys, stores it and then voluntary releases it through urethra.  An empty urinary bladder in adults is usually located in the pelvis, whereas in children, the bladder sits in the abdomen until they are about 6 years of age, and then moves into the pelvis.

When the bladder gets full, nerves supporting the bladder sends a signal to brain and you feel the urge to urinate. However, in some individuals, particularly children the bladder and brain cannot establish the connection and it results in involuntary passage of urine, which is known as bedwetting. Leakage and frequent urges often are caused by the decreased capacity of the bladder and overactivity of the bladder. An overactive bladder can be caused by a wide range of conditions, including constipation and excess caffeine in the system,

Here are some facts about the bladder and its connection with bedwetting.

The kidneys generate urine every 10 to 15 seconds.

Leaking is not a normal part of bladder function.

Typically, a healthy bladder empties almost completely each time you use the restroom.

The bladder expands and contracts as it fills and empties.

The nerves in the bladder automatically let you know when the bladder requires emptying.

Healthy urine appears light yellow or the color of straw.

Depending on the amount of liquid consumed a normal bladder can hold up to one to eight hours before excretion.

Usually, a person should feel the need to empty the bladder when the bladder is about 25 to 50 percent full. When the bladder reaches 100 per cent of the volume it results in involuntary urination or bedwetting.

Some children’s have a small bladder capacity compared to their peers. When these children sleep at night, their bladders are less able to hold all of their urine until morning.

By 6 years of age most children gain bladder control. If your child continues to wet beyond 6 or 7 seek medical advice, look for the right bedwetting treatment and explore the option of using a bedwetting alarm that help children to establish connection between bladder and brain.

Nocturnal Enuresis affects 13 million Americans, of which, 85 percent are women. Women have much smaller urethra than men and are more susceptible to bladders infections that contribute to nighttime bedwetting.

Many times weakened bladder muscles may also result in incontinence. Strengthen your muscles with pelvic floor exercises.

Although involuntary, bedwetting is stressful, particularly for children, teens and young adults. Maintaining healthy toilet habits and drinking enough fluids during the day to cleanse bladder and avoid constipation can help reduce bedwetting episodes. Children teens and adults with bedwetting problems can keep their bed clean from accidental urine spill by using a waterproof mattress pad.

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